

Zoom offers an easy and reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, chat, and webinars.

Zoom Authentication

Zoom uses OAuth2 authentication. To add your Zoom credentials go to Connector Auth, add a new authentication and select Zoom from the Connector list. Give the authentication a name and click on Confirm, to be redirected to the Zoom Sign In screen.

On the Zoom Sign In screen, enter your Zoom credentials and click Sign In, you will then be redirected back to Locoia and have successfully authenticated yourself.

Removing your Zoom authentication

You can remove your Zoom authentication from Locoia by clicking the delete icon next to your Zoom Connector Auth and confirming the subsequent dialog:

This will delete all the data related to that connector auth from Locoia.

In order to also deauthorize the Locoia app to access Zoom you can follow these steps:

  1. Login to your Zoom Account and navigate to the Zoom App Marketplace

  2. Click Mange > Installed Apps or search for the Locoia app

  3. Click the Locoia app

  4. Click Uninstall

Available Actions for Zoom

With the Zoom connector you can, among others, create new meetings, get a list of existing meetings, etc.

Last updated