6. Embed Integrations and Connector Auths

Overview of the created Integrations, manual execution and disabling. Overview of the login data (Connector Auths) provided for the Embed Integrations

Integrations Overview

Within the Embed menu, explore the Integrations submenu to gain an overview of all integrations activated by end users within the iframe.

  • Integration - the name of the Integration

  • Status - the current status of the Integration (if Enabled the Integration is run according to its trigger, if Disabled the Integration is not run)

  • Latest run - the status of the latest run of the Integration (can be success, error, or N/A if the Flow wasn't launched yet)

  • Embed Flow - contains the link to the corresponding Embed Flow

  • Configuration ID - Embed ID (contains in the iframe code)

  • Configuration name - Embed Configuration name

  • Group name - the name of the corresponding Group

  • User ID - ID of the user (embed_user_id from JWT payload) that initially enabled the Integration in the iframe

  • Account ID - ID of the account of the end user (embed_account_id from JWT payload) that initially enabled the Integration in the iframe

  • Sharing level - sharing level of the Integration according to the setting of the corresponding Embed Configuration (can be User or Account if set to User or Company in the Embed Configuration correspondingly)

Manual Integration execution

After making changes in the Embed Flow and synchronizing them with all related Integrations, sometimes it is necessary to manually run a Flow copy without waiting for it to be triggered according to its trigger (Scheduler or Webhook).

Manual Integration disabling

For the cases when you know that some of the end users do not use Integrations anymore you can manually disable them from the Integrations list to prevent being billed for their Flow runs.

Embed Connector Auth

Within the Embed menu, explore the Connector Auth submenu to gain an overview of all login data created by end users within the iframe.

The list contains Connector Auths related to the Integrations and Connector Auths for Proprietary Connectors that were set up for Embed Configurations.

  • Connector Auth Name

    • all Embed Connector Auths are named based on the following schema:

      {{ connector_name }} Login authorized on {{ date }} by {{ initials of embed_user_name }}

    • Unless an end user created a second Connector Auth for a Connector, then it's name can be customized by the end user

  • Proprietary - Yes if the Connector Auth relates to the Proprietary Connector set up for the Embed Configuration, No if the credentials were provided in the iframe or Connector Auth was set up for all the users in the Embed Flow

  • User ID - ID of the user (embed_user_id from JWT payload) that provided authentication details in the iframe

  • Account ID - ID of the account of the end user (embed_account_id from JWT payload) that provided authentication details in the iframe

  • Sharing level - sharing level of the Integration according to the setting of the corresponding Embed Configuration (can be User or Account if set to User or Company in the Embed Configuration correspondingly)

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